5/21/2008Before. 5/22/2008The old storage shed is now on the burn pile. 5/22/2008I know at least 6 schemes which WILL NOT break up this slab. 5/22/2008Maybe I can just get it out of the way for now. 5/22/2008Yo mama. 5/22/2008I'll have to deal with this later. 5/24/2008A couple of big balsams taken out. 5/25/2008This is my next idea to deal with the slab. 5/25/2008Chris working on it 5/25/2008And here's me taking my turn. 5/25/2008This isn't easy but it's working. 5/25/2008Four hours later and it's 3,500 pounds of rubble. 5/29/2008Nothing very photogenic. Shoveling dirt and hauling rubble to the dump. 6/7/2008With this stump most of the excavation is done. (I hope.) 6/10/2008This stump had to go too. 6/10/2008Stump free at last. Now just dirt to move. 6/11/2008I'm building the foundation and retaining wall out of pressure treated timbers. 6/13/2008Notice that all of the big concrete chunks are gone. 6/16/2008I'm still digging. 6/19/2008This is pretty much all the digging until I get the foundation timbers. 6/19/2008Here's another diagram of the what I'm trying to do. 6/20/2008It's too late to turn back now. 6/21/2008Half-laps for the timber joints. 6/22/2008That all important first foundation member. 6/22/2008Here's Chris moving teaspoons of sand to get the timbers absolutely level. 6/22/2008Here's me pounding in 3' sections of rebar (4 per side) to help stabilize the foundation. 6/22/2008Here's the first course of 5x6's absolutely level and square. 6/23/2008"Dry fit" of the second foundation course. There's still more to do here. 6/25/2008The timber foundation is finished. 6/25/2008T&G Plywood glued and nailed to the foundation. 6/27/2008Making half laps on the 4x6's. 6/27/2008We're getting good at it. 6/27/2008Here's the first two courses of the retaining wall. 6/29/2008Here's the 4" drain tile (can your see it?) before the gravel and landscape cloth. 6/29/2008Third retaining wall course done. 6/30/20085 rows done. This is getting boring isn't it? 7/1/2008Another 2 rows - 5 more to go. 7/2/2008The wall is finally high enough to apply that self-adhesive waterproof membrane. 7/3/2008At last the retaining wall is done. 7/3/2008And we can start in on the framing. 7/4/2008Framing is faster and more fun than working with those big timbers. 7/5/2008It appears that we are only capable of building one side a day. 7/6/2008There's the four walls. Now what? 7/9/2008My home away from home. 7/9/2008I hope this is the last load: roof stuff and trim. 7/10/2008Here are the two pattern rafters: 5 on 12 just like the hill cabin. 7/11/2008This is a jig for cutting the bird mouths. All of the rafters are ready. 7/12/20089:00am - Too windy to fish. 7/12/20081:00pm - four hours and this is all we could do before lunch. We must be paid by the hour. 7/12/20085:00pm - rafter are up (all but the lookouts). Nobody fell off of a ladder! 7/13/2008Here are the lookouts for the front and back overhang. 7/13/2008The fascia is up. The red is prime paint, the final color will be white. 7/14/2008The plywood is on the roof. This took all day too. 7/18/2008PT 2x6 running around 3 sides of the shed at the dirt line. 7/18/2008Roofing felt and drip edge done. 7/19/2008A light rain today so we moved on to the siding. 7/21/2008Damn. I'm 3 shingles short. 7/24/2008I got another bundle of shingles and finished the roof. 7/25/2008I got two siding boards today so the siding is all done. 7/28/2008I'm 3/4 done with the soffit. This too is taking a lot of time. 8/5/2008I'm still working. The soffits are done and most of the trim too. 8/7/2008One door on. 8/10/2008Here's the ramp: PT 2x6's, 31" x 60" with a 10 degree slope. 8/10/2008I'm trying to unwarp the plywood doors. If this doesn't work I may have to scrap them and try something else. 8/14/2008Doors look good, right? Wrong - it's the burn pile for them. 8/19/2008This is my next idea for the doors. 8/20/2008I've started to move stuff out of the garage... 8/20/2008and into the shed. 8/22/2008At last I'm starting the glue-up on the new doors. 8/23/2008Moving more stuff into the shed. 8/23/2008Shovels and rakes too. 8/25/2008Presenting Door 2.0 - not entirely without issue. 10/23/2008Here are some random final pictures of the shed. 10/23/2008I couldn't have done this without you. 10/23/2008Electricity next year. 10/23/2008I'm sure it will always be this neat. 10/23/2008I like it. 10/23/2008After. Post Views: 1,761