5/1/2019Back at the lake for another summer. I'm late this year and it's still cold and drizzly. 5/1/2019All the mechanical stuff is up and working: water, electricity, DirecTV, Internet. It's been three years since the big blowdown and I'm still shocked by the lack of trees. 5/1/2019I just left the tarp on the carport over the winter and it survived nicely. 5/4/2019Dock in and ready for a boat - later. This is still not as easy as the sales video indicates. 5/5/2019The ducks are back in the water where they belong. They all got new tethers this year. 5/6/2019I need to change the oil in the engine and the lower unit. I still cannot do the lower unit without making a mess of it. 5/6/2019I'll be ready for fishing soon. 5/10/2019I got 10 little white pine seedling this year. Someday someone might enjoy a nice tall white pine tree or maybe a deer will enjoy it next winter. 5/10/2019Here's one planted just south of the hill house replacing that 3' tall dead balsam I transplanted two years ago (6/15/2017). 5/10/2019I'm going to try to reopen the walking path from the cabin to widow's point again. This view is mostly done looking north to hill house. 5/10/2019This is "to do" looking south. If I can get to the tree line the rest will be easy. If this looks familiar it's because I did this before back in September 2016. 5/12/2019First hummingbird. There was an oriole here earlier but they're harder to get a picture of. 5/13/2019The wooden foot on my Puller Bear rotted away. Here's a new one. 5/13/2019This is the only thing I know of that can rip these scrub oaks out by the roots. 5/15/20191..2..3..4..? I'm down a duck. 5/20/2019It was in the low 30s last night but I'm betting the life of these impatiens that that was the last cold snap. 5/26/2019At last a nice warm, sunny day. There are even a few lily pads starting to reach the surface. And the bass started to bite - this is one of four. 5/26/2019Five swans a-swimming. 5/30/2019I was unable to get my old printer to work this year after leaving it sit all winter. New printers are so cheap now that they're almost a consumable - not much more than the ink. 5/30/201985° today and sunny. I think it's hot enough for me to mow. 5/31/2019The path from the house south to widow's point is passable. I'll need to take clippers with me when I walk it to keep it that way. 6/1/2019Have I mentioned that there are a lot of ticks this year? I'm treating my socks, jeans and work shirts with permethrin. 6/3/2019The log cabin is back in business: nothing broken, water is on with no leaks, no mice. 6/4/2019Almost no leaks. The shower faucet wouldn't stop dripping. Menatds in Bemidji had a replacement cartridge which fixed it right up. 6/12/2019It's a cool day today so this is a good time to address the badly pealing paint on the top railing of the deck. 6/12/2019Well I can see a difference! This is just paint, no primer this time, so I'll see how this holds up. I used primer last time I did this and it didn't do all that well. 6/14/2019These lilacs I planted a couple of years ago produced a few flowers this year. 6/15/2019What have I begun? I've start prepping the log cabin for staining. 6/21/2019These are the tools for cleaning the log cabin: pressure washer, TSP, stiff bristle brush, latex gloves and yes a step ladder. 6/21/2019All finished. That's a days work that only took a week. I think that's pretty good. 6/22/2019As long as the pressure washer is out I might as well do the boat house too. 6/29/2019I know it's impossible to tell but the prep work is done and this is a fresh coat of Tudor Brown paint on the north side of the boat house. 6/29/2019I'm using this trick (cheat) on the trim - I paint the side the same color as the field and then just paint the surface of the trim the accent color. Much easier. 7/6/2019Finished! I don't think I'll need to do this again for a few years. 7/6/3019I have a new tool to help me keep the path to Widow's Point from getting too overgrown. 7/6/2019It works pretty well - certainly better than carrying hand clippers with me. 7/7/2019Phase 2: log cabin This is the north side of the bedroom addition done (at least the brown portion). The northern exposure doesn't take much of a beating so one coat will be fine. 7/9/2019Mysteriously, about 3 weeks ago all of the hummingbirds disappeared - all of them. Now, just as mysteriously, they have returned. There were 7 here a moment ago. 7/13/201 Dorthy arrived today. I wonder if she likes to paint? 7/18/2019I got a print of a mantrap sunset painting at the last lake association meeting. We are going to turn a 5' oak 1x6 into a picture frame. Why not? 7/18/2019Table saw, router, spindle sander, nail gun, and palm sander. The point is to use as many tools as possible. 7/19/2019Here's a chance to use the biscuit joiner to reinforce the corners. 7/21/2019The heat finally eased up - mid 70s today - big sigh of relief. (Dorothy insisted.) 7/21/2019Here's the finished picture. 7/23/2019That's not me up there on that ladder that's a neighbor, Ron Harlow, who I hired to help stain the log cabin. 7/23/2019While Ron is back at the lake staining Dorothy and I are in Itasca State Park having lunch at the Douglas lodge ... 7/23/2019... and at the headwaters of the Mississippi river to prove that I can still leap across these stones like I did 65 years ago. 7/24/2019Dorothy and I moved stuff in the shed outside so we could sweep it out. 7/24/2019We also built another tooby storage thing out of an old sonotube. 7/24/2019Cleaner. And we did throw away some unneeded stuff Chris - less clutter. 7/25/2019Dorothy flies back to Detroit. 7/25/2019Log cabin completely stained. That was a lot easier than I thought it would be. 7/26/2019The Denver/Houston crew has arrived. 7/26/2019The big boat just barely ekes through the reinstalled gate at the head of the road but we still have a large turnaround space left over from the salvage loggers. 7/28/2019Brandon has the biggest bass so far this year - 5.3#. 7/29/2019Finally installing those telephone poles on the shoreline to help keep from undercutting this tamarack tree. 8/3/2019Andrew, Brandon and Kaitlin heading back to Houston - 1364 miles. 8/3/2019They are also taking the boat with them to Texas. That's a long way to pull a big boat. 8/3/2019Rob and Terri are also decamping - heading back to Denver. Sorry to see them all go. 8/5/2019Bad storm last night. Fortunately all the trees around the cabins have been pre-stressed so no damage there. This was the biggest of the ones across the road. 8/5/2019I decided to use the peevee to just roll this off the road rather than cut it up into chunks that I can carry. Only three trees down that required the chainsaw. 8/5/2019This is the Fischer's place. It looks worse than it is. The trees came off with no trouble and there is only one small grapefruit sized hole in the roof . 8/5/2019The Vlcek place also has a dramatic looking tree down but this too is not so bad, it's hung up on another tree and not on the house. Still this will take a professional with a bucket truck. 8/10/2019I've added Houston to the Mash sign. 8/24/2019I drove to Beloit WI this weekend for Taylor and Casey's wedding. Clearly the event of the summer. 8/27/2019Fishing with Burney today: 4 pound bass. (Brandon still has the biggest bass I've seen this year.) We came in early because it's cold and raining. 8/27/2019Looks like it's going to be an early fall. 9/7/2019Somehow a sunflower seed got past the birds and the squirrels. Even this hummingbird is amazed. 9/15/2019It was a surprisingly nice day so I'm out fishing with Burney. Did we catch fish? As I said, it was a nice day for a boat ride. 9/16/2019Some of my new trees are big enough that they need wire cages. This tree may need to be bud capped also - this looks like I'm showing the deer where to stick their snout. 9/16/2019Closing the log cabin. I pressurize the water system to about 40 psi and then open all the valves one at a time. 91/17/2019Burney and I went fishing today and we caught 8 nice bass - 2 over 3 pounds and 1 over 4 pounds. Instead of showing you pictures of me holding up fish I'm showing you a picture of where we caught them. 9/18/2019It's been about a week now without a hummingbird sighting. Even though it is unseasonably warm it's time to put this feeder away for the year. 9/24/2019Weekly Tuesday fishing trip with Burney in his boat, overcast and blustery but a good day. I got 3 nice bass just under 3 pounds (yeah) and 2 big northern pike at 30" (boo). 9/26/2019This spruce does not look very sturdy. I'd just leave it except it looks like it just might hit the yard light. Probably not ... what are odds? 9/26/2019Safely down. The way it fell it may well have hit the yard light without the ropes. 9/29/2019Bringing in the boat. I use the winch to drag boat and motor out of the water. 9/29/2019This is the second pull to get it better lined up with the boathouse. 9/29/2019Getting this motor off the boat and into the boathouse is still the biggest challenge. 9/29/2019Getting the boat (and ducks) inside is not too difficult. 10/4/2019I drove to PR and parked at Walgreens (that's me on the right). Imagine my surprise when I looked back and saw this - what are the odds? I think there are only two of us in Hubbard county. 10/7/2019Finally a nice day: not too cold, not much wind and it's not raining. Let me get the dock in (or out?) while I can. 10/11/2019Snow this time of year is not really unusual but still ... 10/17/201 Packed up, closed up, I'm out of here. It was a good summer, not as many bass as I would have liked but still, a good year. Post Views: 1,465