4/21/2011 Everything looks OK. It's a little colder than I thought it would be.
4/21/2011 Can you see the ice sheet out there?
4/22/2011 A few trees across the road but Warren cut a path for me before I came.
4/22/2011 A little work with the chain saw and the road will be fine.
4/22/2011 The car port is up - just in time to beat the rain.
4/26/2011 Last night there was ice covering most of the bay, this morning it's gone.
5/1/2011 It's only a dusting, but still...
5/2/2011 Still raking.
5/6/2011 Dock out.
5/11/2011 First hummingbird of the season.
5/12/2011 This bear was on the deck. Standing on his hind legs he's over 6' tall.
5/14/2011 Chris arrives.
5/16/2011 I'm betting on no more frost, so I've planted flowers in the barrel.
5/18/2011 First fish of the season - 3 1/2 pounds - huha!
5/25/2011 I still cannot buy 1x8 drop siding with the same profile that we use here.
5/25/1011 So I need to cut down a standard 1x8.
5/25/2011 Finished product.
5/26/2011 Rotted boards on the back of the boathouse.
5/26/2011 Mice have chewed a tunnel right through the rotted sill plate.
5/26/2011 Old siding removed...
5/26/2011 As well as the rotted portion of the sill plate.
5/26/2011 New PT 2x4 sill plate.
5/26/2011 We had to apply some pressure to get the new T&G siding to mate properly.
5/26/2011 Not bad! Just a little brown paint to finish up.
5/28/2011 A Brand new sheet of 3/4" plywood.
5/28/2011 Putting a 3/4" rabbit on the back of one side.
5/28/2011 One cabinet almost done.
5/30/2011 Scrubbing 10 years of moss off the roof - a nasty job.
6/2/2011 Drilling peg holes to hold some shelves.
6/2/2011 Another dead birch tree ...
6/2/2011 ... becomes fire wood.
6/3/2011 Two narrow cabinet carcasses ready for face frames.
6/4/2011 Using pocket screws ...
6/4/2011 ... to make the face frames.
6/5/2011 I routed a slot at the top of the face frame for a cutting board.
6/6/2011 Face frame attached.
6/8/2011 Here are grooved thingies for the cutting board to slide in.
6/8/2011 I'm trying to recycle the old doors - cut down, round over and rabbit.
6/8/2011 Now I need to match this stain.
6/8/2011 Huge dead birch behind the cabin needs to come down.
6/8/2011 We removed the railing just in case, but it wasn't necessary. I should have had more faith.
6/8/2011 It took 3 hours but ... success.
6/11/2011 Ruth's cat ?/?/1989 - 6/11/2011
6/12/2011 Almost done with the stain and shellac. Tomorrow is installation day.
6/13/2011 This is a "before" picture.
6/13/2011 Now there is no turning back.
6/13/2011 First surprise: the base under the range cabinet runs under the left hand cabinets too.
6/13/2011 Attaching new side cabinets.
6/13/2011 I still need to modify the old counter top to accept the new range.
6/13/2011 Since my kitchen is all torn up Trish invited Chris and me over for dinner.
6/14/2011 Here I am expanding the size of the cutout in the old counter top.
6/14/2011 Side cabinets and counter top just waiting for something new.
6/15/2011 The new range arrived and it fit!
6/15/2011 Rain all day today so here is the first burn of the year.
6/15/2011 Bear at the cabin again.
6/19/2011 I need to do something with the space where the old oven used to be and fix those burn marks.
6/19/2011 I need to at least put on a door and a bottom shelf.
6/20/2011 Painting today: Chris doing the back of the boat house ...
6/20/2011 ... and me priming the deck.
6/23/2011 Shelves for side cabinets - plywood with edge banding. (Is that cheating?)
6/27/2011 One more board to replace on the boat house.
7/3/2011 Here's Chris staining the south side of the log cabin. (Me, I'm still working on the deck.)
7/6/2011 Chris finished staining the south side of the log cabin this morning. (Can't you tell?)
7/8/2011 Finishing up on the white trim around the windows. Now the south side is done.
7/9/2011 Now THIS is a mess.
7/9/2011 I'll replace these old shelves.
7/11/2011 New shelves - I'm sure everything will be neat and orderly from now on.
7/12/2011 Some extra 2x6s and 1x6s that want to be made into something.
7/13/2011 I've cut the 2x6s into three 27" and three 30" pieces.
7/13/2011 Here's a jig to help me route out 3/4" from the ends of the 2x6s. That's a 60 degree angle there.
7/13/2011 Here I am using the jig. There's too much wood to remove using just the router.
7/13/2011 So I'm using a stacked dado blade to remove everything from the initial cut out to the end.
7/14/2011 I want to remove about 1/8" from part of the 2x6 to get rid of that little radius that is on the edges of dimensional lumber.
7/14/2011 Here are two of the 2x6s so you can see the half lap joint. Now you see why I needed to trim off that 1/8".
7/14/2011 The initial glue up of the half lap joints. There are three of these.
7/15/2011 I knew that there was a reason why I kept that scrap of hardboard for the last ten years.
7/15/2011 The hardboard makes a perfect template.
7/15/2011 I now need to route out 3/8" off of each side of the half lap up about 4" from the peak.
7/15/2011 This is what it looks like after removing the 3/8".
7/15/2011 Here is the glue up of the 3/8" scab that will hopefully reenforce the half lap joint.
7/16/2011 We were going to have bass for dinner last night but when we went to get them the live box was empty.
7/16/2011 Here are the rough cut 2x6 pieces. I needed to add two more 2' pieces.
7/16/2011 This is how I hope to trim the 2x6s to their exact shapes.
7/16/2011 And it worked pretty well.
7/16/2011 I'm almost done shaping these pieces, just some final finishing touches and then I can move on to the 1x6s.
7/18/2011 Chris cleaned up the south side of the log cabin. Now I need some nice shade tolerant perennials - any suggestions?
7/18/2011 I'm using a dowel to guide this forstner bit so I can counter sink this hole.
7/18/2011 It actually worked.
7/18/2011 Here's an early mock-up.
7/21/2011 I want to put some sort of carving on the ends but this is way out of my comfort zone.
7/21/2011 Maybe another template and I can use the router again.
7/22/2011 OK, here's the decoration on the ends. An artist would have just carved this with a set of chisels, I used a router - I'm no artist.
7/23/2011 Here's a patch for the live box. Now all we need are a couple of fish.
7/27/2011 Bill 178.1 (92) Chris 171.1 (93) Final score YAHOO
7/28/2011 Chris leaves. As always thanks for all your help.
7/29/2011 Rob, Terri, Brandon and his girl friend arrive (boat in tow).
7/31/2011 Here are the components of the porch swing; primed and with one coat of paint. Some assembly required.
7/31/2011 And here it is put together. I can't believe it, I need at least one more slat.
8/1/2011 Enough rain today to finally burn this pile of brush that's been here for weeks.
8/3/2011 Andrew arrives, still with a bum knee.
8/3/2011 I added some more slats - it's ready to hang.
8/3/2011 Here is how the 1/2" rope will thread through the front.
8/3/2011 And the peak will use this stuff.
8/3/2011 This is the eye bolt secured to a joist.
8/3/2011 And finally - the finished swing.
8/4/2011 Rob caught this 48" (20 lb) muskie on a scum frog.
8/7/2011 Rob, Terri, Andrew, Brandon, Ashton and Bandit leave (early in the morning).
8/8/2011 Jim, Aubrey & Taylor roll in at 10:30.
8/10/2011 I have this partial sheet of plywood left over from the kitchen project.
8/10/2011 "A good carpenter lets no wood go unused"
8/11/2011 It's been 5 years since this has seen the light of day.
8/11/2011 This little project won't be as much fun as the swing.
8/12/2011 Jim and the girls leave this morning in a drizzling rain.
8/17/2011 I put a semi-transparent stain on the deck today.
8/19/2011 This is the miter saw cart I'm building. It still needs wheels, a drawer and doors.
8/20/2011 After experimenting with several exotic schemes to hold the wings up ...
8/20/2011 ... I finally opted for a simple, low tech, solution.
8/23/2011 I finally got the drawer slides from Amazon so I could build the drawer.
8/26/2011 I really do not like to paint above my head. That's why the underside of the deck is taking so long.
8/26/2011 I'd much rather putter around with my woodworking projects.
8/27/2011 I had to get a 1 3/8" Forstner bit before I could install these hidden hinges.
8/31/2011 This pileated woodpecker hung around for about an hour.
9/4/2011 Dorothy arrived yesterday, just in time to help me finish the miter saw cart today.
9/6/2011 No hummingbirds for the last couple of days. Is summer ending?
9/7/2011 I'm adding an outlet outside which will piggyback off of this inside socket.
9/7/2011 Here is the outside box.
9/7/2011 And here is the finished outside outlet.
9/10/2011 Dorothy leaves - thanks for your help.
9/16/2011 I decided to try blue creeping phlox as the ground cover next to the cabin.
9/16/2011 We'll see next spring how much of this stuff survives.
9/24/2011 I finally built a shelf for that old clock from grandma Allen.
9/27/2011 This is me finishing up with the underside of the deck. That was easy.
10/5/2011 It's too warm to stay inside so ... I suppose I can refinish the boat seats.
10/8/2011 There's two of them. If the weather stays nice maybe I can do the two with the swivel seats.
10/8/2011 Trish and I found this little drop-leaf side table in Bemidji.
10/8/2011 I think it's just right for next to the chair.
10/9/2011 Before. One end table next to the sofa, leaving the far end of the room too dark.
10/8/2011 After. An end table on both sides of the sofa and some much needed light.
10/11/2011 I brought in the dock today. It's freakishly warm up here - 20 degrees above normal. I usually wait until it's cold and rainy. (Still working on the boat seats.)
10/13/2011 Boat seats done: sanded, stained and many coats of polyurethane. How long will this last?
10/13/2011 All the toys are stowed away for the winter. You're right Jim, it is kind of sad - the end of another season.
10/13/2011 Even the ducks look a little melancholy.
10/17/2011 Log cabin all buttoned up for the winter.
10/19/2011 Car port rolled up.
10/24/2011 Everything is in the shed that is suppose to be there. I did close the window.
10/24/2011 The water is off, the pipes are drained, and the water softener has been emptied.
10/24/2011 The grill, deck furniture and swing are in the garage.
10/24/2011 One last soulful look at the lake.
10/24/2011 And a parting shot of the hill house in the rear-view mirror - I'm out of here.