4/25/2009Back to the lake. 4/25/2009Everything looks just like I left it last fall. 4/25/2009Even the new shed survived it's first winter unscathed. 5/1/2009Somebody put up a deer stand right next to the pot hole. 5/6/2009Still no leaves on the trees. 5/6/2009But my favorite ducks are back. 5/13/2009>br />Dock, boat and motor finally in - me, I'm now paralyzed. 5/17/2009I finally got out on the lake. 5/18/2009Lots of birds today ... 5/18/2009Little birds. 5/18/2009Pelican, pelican His beak can hold more etc., etc. 5/22/2009Finished raking today. 5/23/2009This seems like more than last year. 5/24/2009Chris arrives - fishing begins. 5/27/2009A third bird joined the flock by the dock. 5/30/2009We built a little w4ork bench and shelf in the shed for the chain saw. 6/11/2009I'm looking at the large dead pine tree looming over the boat house. 6/11/2009Ay Chihuahua! That was a big tree. 6/11/2009The boat house is safer now. 6/17/2009I guess someone doesn't like the flower bed by the boat house. 6/20/2009Can you tell that the big birch tree in the center is dead. 6/20/2009We're hoping it falls north. 6/20/2009Nothing destroyed. 6/23/2009Before - oh please, don't fall on the house. 6/23/2009Geoff, this picture is for you. 6/23/200 After - The birds and I are going to miss that tree. 7/3/2009Here's the fish that put me over 100 pounds 7/9/2009Here's some of the brush ... 7/9/2009... at the upper burn pile. 7/9/2009And there it goes. 7/10/2009That was a serious burn. 7/13/2009This is why I left that stump so tall. 7/14/2009Chris is making a shade for the new yard light. 7/15/2009Bill (71) 130.0Chris (44) 76.8 Final score!Yeeha. 7/15/2009And the coveted Bass Patch comes back to me. 7/16/2009Chris leaves. Thanks for all you did up here this year. 7/16/2009Noon. What's wrong with this picture? 7/17/2009Nothing to do and some plywood - a dangerous combination. 7/17/1009First: cut it up ... 7/17/2009... into little pieces. 7/18/2009This is the same dado blade that tried to kill me last year. 7/18/2009I made a template so I can drill symmetric holes. 7/19/2009A little Golden Oak stain. 7/19/2009Trying to glue all the right pieces together. 7/19/2009Next face frames. But now it's time to go fishing. 7/20/2009I attached Chris' shade on the yard light. 7/20/2009Using pocket screws to make the face frames. 7/23/2009After a false start I think I'm finally on the right track with staining the face frames. 7/25/2009Face frames glued to the carcasses. 7/26/2009Here is a perfectly functional set of kitchen cabinets. 7/26/2009And now - well, now this better work. 7/27/2009Here's the first new cabinet being jacked into position. 7/27/2009That went pretty well. I think I'm about 2/3 done now. 7/28/2009Here is something I know nothing about. I'll just have to make it up as I go along. 7/29/2009Here's the reason I started this whole project in the first place. 7/30/2009Here's a last look at the duct work in the attic before it gets buried under insulation. 7/31/2009Rob, Terri & Brandon arrive. 8/2/2009Here's a chance to recycle that old kitchen cabinet: garage before ... 8/2/2009Garage after. 8/2/2009Chicago Jim, Taylor and Aubrey arrive. 8/4/2009Working on the cabinet door blanks - routing the front profile. 8/4/2009Routing the back rabbit. 8/4/2009Now I need to see if I can match the existing stain. 8/5/2009Here's Rob with a 4.5 pound bass. 8/6/2009Jim and the girls have to leave - sorry to see them go. 8/7/2009Is that a tick on my ear? 8/8/2009Rob, Terri & Brandon (and Bandit) have to leave. Too soon. 8/10/2009Will I never learn? After another false start I'm finally on the right track with the stain. 8/13/2009At last, the doors are done. Now all I need is to track down some matching hardware for the doors above the fridge. 8/19/2009I cannot just sit here and watch birds all day. 8/19/2009I'm going to take a stab at refinishing the front door. 8/22/2009And here it is. Not great but not too bad. 8/23/2009Next I'm finally going to run electricity out to the shed. 8/23/2009How can it take an entire day to wire in one light and one socket? 8/24/2009And another day to dig a trench with a hand trowel to avoid all the existing underground stuff. 8/25/2009Now I need to see if I can thread a wire though this. 8/26/2009Chris stopped in on his way from WI to AZ. We are not reopening the fishing contest. 8/28/2009And now we have lights in the shed. 9/3/2009And Chris is off again. 9/4/2009I've got his lumber left over. 9/4/2009Carving up the 4x6 ... 9/4/2009... into two identical curved pieces. 9/5/2009Here are some more components. 9/5/2009Dorothy and her friend Jennifer arrive. 9/6/2009I'm trying to make four identical curves here. 9/6/2009This is the killer dado blade making tenons. 9/7/2009There, that only took an hour. Just 13 more to go. 9/9/2009Here's a preview of what this will eventually look like. 9/9/2009And here's another look. 9/12/2009Dorothy and Jennifer have to leave. We had a great time together. 9/12/2009After a lot of sanding here I am putting a radius on all the edges. 9/13/2009Chuck and Ruth arrive just in time for football. 9/16/2009This is so sad, I haven't seen a hummingbird in over a week. 9/18/2009Chuck and Ruth leave ... 9/18/2009We had beautiful weather - 70's and 80's all week. 9/18/2009Back to the bench. Here I am drilling holes for the dowel pins. 9/18/2009The dowel pins are glued into the back slats. Maybe some assembly tomorrow. 9/19/2009Glue up of the back and sides. I don't have any pipe clamps so I had to double up on the ones I have. 9/21/2009I put in wood plugs to cover the screw and dowel holes. 9/21/2009I think I'll at least prime coat this before I attach the seat slats. 9/21/2009But here is how it will look when I do attach the seat slats. 9/23/2009The birds and the squirrels missed a seed. 9/23/2009Even thought it still feels like summer I know that this warm weather won't last. 10/27/2009The shades are drawn. 10/27/2009The doors are locked. 10/27/2009The power is off. 10/27/2009And I'm out of here. Post Views: 1,317