4/25/2007I arrive for another season. Everything looks fine. 5/3/2007I finally put in the dock. The lake is still low. 5/4/2007The motor is on and I'm ready to go. 5/7/2007The Boy Scouts logged off their land north of the cabin. 5/9/2007Finally, the raking is done. I can see the difference. 5/17/2007Primer coat on the stairs. 5/21/2007At last, we had some rain. 5/22/2007And we had some wind too. 5/22/2007Most of the ferns I planted last year survived. 5/25/2007Chris arrived. 5/27/2007New chairs for the deck. 5/31/2007This is the 4th tree across the road this year. 6/2/2007Lots of rain and just enough brush to justify a burn. 6/10/2007I replaced three boards at the back of the house. 6/15/2007New mattress for the log cabin. 6/18/2007This is number 5 ... 6/18/2007... and this is number 6. The novelty has worn off. 6/25/2007I'm going back to The Cities for a couple of days. 7/1/2007Can the old outhouse be saved? 7/1/2007It's mostly rotten. Should I rebuild it... 7/1/2007or should I just burn it? 7/2/2007The roof and most of the logs might be salvageable. 7/2/2007Roof off. 7/2/2007Sides down. 7/3/2007New foundation for the outhouse. 7/3/2007Fresh fish for dinner tonight. It was delicious. 7/4/2007Slowly it rises... 7/6/2007New fridge for the hill house. 7/6/2007That means the cabin gets an upgrade too. 7/7/2007Very slowly.. 7/8/2007Inch by inch.. 7/9/2007That's as high as the walls go. 7/10/2007Number 7... 7/10/2007 8... 7/10/2007And 9. 7/11/2007Eat your heart out Rube Goldberg. 7/13/2007Raising the roof. 7/13/2007No one permanently injured. 7/16/2007Pit and floor foundation. 7/16/2007North gable end. 7/20/2007 Bill 184.9Chris 142.1------------Final score. 7/22/2007Dorothy arrived yesterday and I put her to work this morning. 7/23/2007Chris leaves. Thanks for all your help. 7/25/2007Wind and rain came ... the carport went. 7/26/2007For the first time I've caught 200 pounds of bass. 7/28/2007Construction finished - now paint. 7/29/2007Dorothy leaves ... Rob, Terri, Andrew and Brandon arrive. 7/30/2007Boat house wall - before. 7/30/2007Cultured stone arrives. This guy backed that truck all the way up the road. 8/1/2007Artists working on the rock face. 8/5/2007Rocks are all in - now cap stones and grout. 8/9/2007The wall is finished - a real team effort. 8/10/2007Rob, Terri, Andrew, Brandon and Shenzi leave. 8/11/2007Boat house wall - after. 8/23/2007The refurbished outhouse is finished. 8/31/2007Jim and Angel arrive. 9/5/2007Here's Jim putting a primer coat on the underside of the deck. 9/8/2007Hello Chuck & Ruth Goodbye Jim & Angel. 9/9/2007We finished the jigsaw puzzle. 9/14/2007Sunny Minnesota: America's vacationland - 35 degrees this morning. 9/15/2007Janet, Calan, boys and dogs arrive safely. 9/17/2007Chuck & Ruth leave after a cold and windy week. 9/18/2007Warm but foggy this morning. 9/18/2007Start of a little mini-project. 9/18/2007Pieces cut - partial glue-up. 9/19/2007The sides are ready to assemble. 9/20/2007A little cold rain and Janet, Calan and the boys leave. 9/20/2007The box is assembled - you all knew what it was, right? 9/23/2007Finally finished the upper side of the deck. 9/25/2007Shellac, stain and polyurethane: almost done. This is NOT a wooden toilet! 9/27/2007You actually knew what this was the whole time, didn't you? 9/28/2007The leaves are falling like rain. 10/1/2007I finished painting the underside of the deck. That's it for this year. 10/6/2007Chicago Jim, Aubrey, Taylor and friends arrive for a couple of days. 10/8/2007Jim and the crew leave early this morning in the rain. 10/12/2007Enjoy it while you can, deer season opens soon. 10/16/2007The log cabin is all buttoned up for the winter. 10/20/2007Last bass of the season(3.0 lbs)Total: 144 - 265.1 lbs 10/21/2007Boats and dock put away. 10/24/2007Some would see this as a sign not to leave, but... 10/24/2007All closed up for the year. Post Views: 1,341