4/22/2010The start of a new season. 4/22/2010Someone installed a squirrel on my camera stand. 4/22/2010Everything looks pretty good... 4/22/2010...no big trees down... 4/22/2010...and the electricity and water are working too. 4/23/2010I spoke too soon about the water. 4/23/2010I should fire the SOB that closed up last fall. 4/23/2010After a minor flood in the basement... 4/23/2010...all is now OK (I hope). 4/23/2010The local phone company says that I can have high speed Internet way out here. Color me skeptical. 4/23/2010Well, sort of ... if just under 1 Mbs is high speed. Certainly better than dial-up. 4/28/2010A full moon tonight. 5/5/2010Can you tell what this is? It's an oven without a heating element. 5/5/2010And this is the inside of an oven that still doesn't work even with a new heating element. 5/5/2010Working at last. If you own an old house in the woods you had better like maintenance. 5/6/2010For the first time in a week it's not raining. It's only in the 40s but dry and sunny for a change. 5/6/2010I planted the new bench out under the big pine north of the cabin. 5/6/2010Even a little glimpse of blue sky is a welcome change. 5/7/2010This isn't right. 5/14/2010 The first hummingbird of the season today. 5/15/2010Finally a warm, dry day. 5/15/2010I can waterproof the dock. 5/15/2101And turn on the water in the log cabin. 5/15/2010The place still look cozy and comfortable to me. 5/15/2010Now it looks more like spring. 5/17/2010Warm enough to plant flowers in the barrel. 5/18/2010I'll give flowers another shot by the boat house. We'll have to see if they get dug up again. 5/18/2010Chris arrives. 5/20/2010The old trolling motor was on it's last legs and, hey, I deserve a new toy. 5/20/2010Now we're ready to catch some fish. 5/21/2010A couple of sheets of plywood and a few clear pine boards - stay tuned. 5/25/2010New bass T-shirts from Dorothy. Now we have no excuses. 5/25/2010Perfectly good but tired old recliner... 5/25/2010... new recliner. 5/29/2010One sheet of plywood cut up into smaller pieces. 5/29/2010Resting after a hard days work. 5/30/2010Using the router to put a clean edge on some boards - kind of like a jointer. 5/30/2010Using the doweling jig. 5/30/2010Ready to glue two boards together to make one wider one. 6/3/2010An early dry fit just to see if I'm on the right track. 6/4/2010Made a jig and drilled the holes for the shelf pegs. 6/7/2010Chris' friend Linda arrives. 6/8/2010This is a Rube Goldberg contraption to cut an arc. It worked. 6/11/2010I'll need to duplicate this trim profile. That will take some thought. 6/10/2010Here are a couple of door frames. 6/13/2010Linda leaves. Just us guys again. 6/13/2010Making door panels. 6/13/2010Doors ready for sanding. 6/14/2010Two new ducks. 6/19/2010This is me trying to duplicate a piece of the top molding. 6/25/2010This poplar has been hanging 50' up over the road for over a month. 6/25/2010Classic over-think: We'll use the fishing pole to cast a lead weight up and over the tree. 6/25/2010Then we'll tie a rope to the fishing line and pull it over. 6/25/2010Then we use the jeep to pull the snag free. 6/25/2010Nothing to it. 6/25/2010Now we'll just cut it up and throw it back into the woods. 6/27/2010Whoever digs up the flowers has decided to leave about half of them alone. 6/27/2010The wild flowers survive just fine. 7/2/2010These are the router bits I ordered to complete the trim detail. 7/2/2010And this is the finished trim. The one on the left goes on the bottom and the one on the right goes on top. 7/2/3010Here is a jig to drill a hole through the center of a 2x2. 7/2/2010It worked!7/2/2010 It worked! 7/2/2010Another dead birch tree gone. 7/4/2010These are leveling feet. That's it for construction - now finishing. 7/4/2010It's not all work. 7/12/2010Finally, finished with the new bookcase. 7/30/2010 Bill 97.6 (53)Chris 50.6 (26)Final score 7/31/2010Rob, Terri, Andrew and Brandon arrive. 8/1/2010Chris leaves. As always, thanks for all the help. 8/2/2010Big night fishing - the guys got over 30 pounds of bass in one evening. Alas, the last catch was, well ... 8/4/2010Jim, Taylor and Aubrey arrived tonight. 8/7/2010Trying out the new fire pit. It works. 8/8/2010Rob, Terri and the decking crew leave. 8/14/2010Dorothy arrives 8/17/2010OK. I'm going to try to fix this old 1920s era wicker chair. 8/18/2010Egad! This going to take a long time. 8/21/2010Dorothy leaves. 8/25/2010Jim & Angel arrive. 8/27/2009These are the new vertical reeds installed. 9/4/2010Jim and Angel leave. 9/11/2010I need to replace this horizontal weave. 9/11/2010Hmmm ... not so easy is it? I'll rip this out and try again. 9/19/2010I haven't seen a hummingbird in 5 days - depressing. 9/29/2010Here is a new gutter being made for the hill house. 9/29/2010And here we have Dick from D&S Seamless Siding installing the new gutters. 9/29/20103 hours later it's done. This would have taken me 3 days. 10/7/2010Log cabin closed up for the winter. 10/7/2010Leaves gone. 10/9/2010Even though it's autumn ... 10/9/2010... it's in the 70's ... 10/9/2010... still, I'm going to take in the dock. 10/19/2010Dock and boats stored away. 10/19/2010Log cabin locked up. 10/19/2010Everything looks ... 10/19/2010... pretty much how it did six months ago. Post Views: 1,479